The loss of a loved one is always devastating, particularly when the death is sudden or was brought about on account of a tragic incident. Those who are left behind end up going through a painful process termed grieving.

The act of grieving is kind of common as this is the phase people go through to comprehend the loss of a loved one and learn to move on.

coping with loss of a loved one

The grieving process for the loss of a loved one commonly has five concentrations. The first is denial where people aren't able to accept the fact of have an effect on a loved one. They do not believe that death has occurred and that they would never see the other person again. They are oftentimes with shock or in disbelief upon hearing the news about loosing a loved one. The second stage, meanwhile, is frustration. There is anger since person questions why the individual survived while the other person do not. The person may also question what else might have been done to prevent the death health of their loved one. The next stage is bargaining. Within bargaining, people negotiate with fate to have more time with the person who died. This often leads to frustration since person knows that one cannot reverse the time and prevent the loss of a loved one. That fourth stage is depression. This is when the person is forced to encounter intense emotions and waves of despair. As a result, the person does not function normally in your house or at work, may withdraw from society, have trouble focusing on tasks, have trouble sleeping and eating, lose body fat, and more. 

This is a dangerous stage because without help and support, the person may lapse into a more prolonged period of significant or major depression termed clinical depression. The previous stage is acceptance. In acceptance, the person has the capacity to resolve his or the woman's grief and accept the loss of a loved one. He or she is then able to move on with life.

It is usually these five stages that comprise the grief cycle. During these stages, people exhibit a wide range of complicated emotions as they learn to cope with the loss of a loved one. It is a difficult time because it is a painful and intensely emotional experience that's both mentally and actually draining. Recovery also does not happen overnight, that is why it is always best to have a very good and supportive network of family and friends to surround the grieving human being.

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Loss of a loved one